Agentica Helps Italion Increase Online Orders by 300%


Online Leads

Company Overview

Agentica partnered with a local restaurant looking to boost its online presence and increase online orders amidst growing competition from food delivery apps. Despite offering delicious cuisine, the restaurant struggled to gain traction in the digital marketplace and compete with larger chains.


The restaurant faced several challenges. Firstly, they lacked visibility online, making it difficult for potential customers to discover their menu and place orders. Secondly, the rise of food delivery apps had intensified competition, making it challenging for the restaurant to attract and retain customers. Lastly, the absence of a robust online ordering system hindered their ability to streamline the ordering process and fulfill customer demands efficiently.


Agentica implemented a tailored strategy to address the restaurant's challenges. They began by optimizing the restaurant's online presence, including updating their website with an intuitive interface and showcasing enticing food imagery. Next, Agentica leveraged Facebook ads to target local audiences, promoting special offers, discounts, and menu highlights to entice potential customers. Additionally, Agentica helped the restaurant integrate an efficient online ordering system directly into their website, simplifying the ordering process for customers and enhancing overall convenience.


he results exceeded expectations. With Agentica's assistance, the restaurant experienced a remarkable 300% increase in online orders within the first month of implementing the new strategy. The optimized online presence and targeted Facebook ads helped boost visibility and attract new customers, while the seamless online ordering system enhanced the overall customer experience. Additionally, the restaurant saw improved customer retention as satisfied customers returned for repeat orders.


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